Keynote Titles

  • The cost of Inaction:

Amidst a landscape saturated with data, a critical issue arises the reluctance of many data-rich organizations to take decisive action. This presentation delves into the curious gap between abundant data analysis and the execution of initiatives, underscoring the substantial cost of inaction, such as the loss of data's potential and squandered resources. We challenge the perceived safety of inaction, urging a shift from simply gathering data to engaging in dynamic, data-driven action. The question posed is whether businesses can afford to remain passive in a rapidly changing digital world. This talk invites a crucial reassessment: Are you prepared to discard the myth of safety in inaction and leverage the power of data-driven decision-making?

  • The Value of Ice Cream - The Half-Life of Analytics Data: It all begins with an idea:

In the rapid pace of today's digital world, unutilized data is like a treasure left untouched, losing its value over time. Data decays in three distinct lifespans – Tactical, Operational, and Strategic – each requiring timely action before their relevance fades. Many fall into the trap of a one-size-fits-all approach to data, diminishing its potential impact. The key to success is not just in collecting data but in differentiating and activating it according to its specific lifespan. Are you ready to tap into the true power of your data by using it purposefully and promptly, or will you let its value slip away with time? The moment to act is now; your data's potential awaits.

  • Marketing Unusual “ Things we can do and the things we should do:

"Marketing Unusual" delves into more than just marketing; it's about the confluence of values, people, and the critical choices an organization faces regarding the ethical costs of doing business right. This isn't confined to tech or marketing alone – it's a fundamental business concern. Data ethics are becoming the heartbeat of our organization, influencing every decision and strategy. The question is, are we prepared to confront the tough ethical dilemmas surrounding our data? These challenges aren't isolated to a single department; they permeate every aspect of our work, adding layers of complexity. It's time to navigate this intricate terrain where ethics meets business in every corner of our organization.

  • The Unseen Majority: Decoding the Behavior of Anonymous Online Users:

"In today's digital era, where up to 60% of web users opt out of cookies, businesses face a pivotal challenge: how to engage with and understand the elusive, anonymous user while respecting their privacy. This session delves into innovative strategies for navigating this significant data blind spot, redefining analytics and marketing in a privacy-first world. We explore how to ethically extract meaningful insights from limited data, ensuring that no potential customer is overlooked, and how these insights can lead to more inclusive and accurate marketing tactics. Join us to unravel the paradox of the anonymous user in the data-driven era and learn how your business can adapt and thrive while striking the perfect balance between privacy and insightful data."

  • Purchase BehaviorBehaviour: The 4 dimensions of an online conversion:

“In the competitive world of e-commerce, success hinges on external factors like market competition and customer preferences. Your task is not just to control but to cleverly navigate these elements, ensuring that your platform excels in trust, competitive pricing, and convenience. It's about transforming your site from one of many options to the definitive choice for consumers, making it not just a possible destination but the preferred one in their purchasing journey.”

  • Campaign tracking and attribution - Tips, tricks, and tactics:

Contrary to popular belief, campaign tracking is not a straightforward task. It's evolving with new challenges and constraints, requiring a fresh mindset and heightened organizational effort. With the complexities of losing third-party tracking, navigating legal restrictions, and adapting to new user behaviors, traditional methods are becoming increasingly obsolete. In our session, we'll unpack the critical decisions in modern campaign tracking and demonstrate how refined monitoring can lead to superior outcomes. We'll focus on two key aspects: navigating the significant obstacles in current tracking methods and introducing innovative strategies for deriving valuable insights and operational intelligence from your campaign data. This is an opportunity to rethink and revamp your approach to campaign tracking in today's rapidly changing digital landscape.