I am Steen

Steen Rasmussen, a visionary in digital analytics with a passion for unlocking data-driven marketing's potential. As Director of Data Innovation at IIH Nordic, Steen drives business growth through data insights.

Steen's impact extends globally as a captivating speaker. He humanizes data, inspiring change from Silicon Valley to Mumbai. His warmth and authenticity make complex ideas relatable.

Beyond speaking, Steen serves on industry juries, boards, and educates future analysts. He leads Web Analytics Wednesday Symposiums, hosting them for 15+ years, and brought MeasureCamp to the Nordics.

Steen's journey embodies human connection, empowerment, and progress. Bridging data and real-world impact, he inspires us to embrace data-driven insights' transformational power.


My keynote journey reflects over two decades of experience at the crossroads of data, business, and people. I’ve engaged global audiences with insights on web analytics, digital marketing, and leadership, turning complex ideas into actionable takeaways

My talks blend data-driven insights with a human touch, transforming challenges into growth opportunities.


As Director of Data Innovation I have been consulting companies around the world on how they can operationally optimize their business and activate their data since 2005 where I co-founded the Agency.

To illustrate the operational value of data IIH Nordic was the first company in the world using data to go to a 30 hours / 4 day work week back in February 2017.

Steen's Speaking Endeavours

  • The Marketing Festival 2024

    Marketing Unusual - Things we should and shouldn’t do

    More often than not marketing is about choices which will strengthen the brand and improve the market. But as everything else marketing exists as part of the business, so sometimes the fundamentals needs and ambition of marketing is tied to something bigger.

    With the shift in marketing and a new reality built on data and AI, these choices suddenly become much more important, because both the impact and the risks grow everyone.

  • Allweb Digital Analytics Conference

    Campaign tracking and attribution – Tips, tricks and tactics

    Everyone knows how to do campaign tracking, right? Wrong. Campaign tracking is impacted by new options and limitations and demands a new way of thinking, but it also increases the demands on the organization.

    There have never been more ways to go wrong. In this session, we dive into the decisions that need to be made and explore how superior campaign monitoring can in turn generate superior results.

  • Marketing Aalytics Ssummit 2021 Las Vegas


    With the new speed of data, the blessings of machine learning, and new ways of tracking where we focus on live predictive signals, we can regain control in a new and better way. These signals can facilitate a change of focus from reactive reporting to complex, live activation across channels by supporting the users’ current steps in the customer journey. This session was a journey into a future that is already here and Steen offers a map that gets you to the summit in in one piece.

  • Snowplow Meetup Amsterdam 2023


    The most commonly used methodology implementing Db2 schema changes is to compare new/old structures and create the worklist to execute the changes – being online or deferred or the DBA nightmare of UDCL. This approach can result in some surprises, like the requirement to fall back or access path changes due to altered indexes/tables/columns/programs. We will illustrate how a complete different approach can be implemented mitigating most of the risks/challenges – done by real customers.

  • The DIGITAL ANALYTICS SUMMIT 2022 Netherlands


    Theme of "Data Governance - how to "unsink" your analytics data." goes beyond the individual tools and tries to explore what goes wrong and what we can do about it.

  • InOrbit 23 | Digital Marketing Conference


    In this presentation, Steen dives into the strategic and commercial value of the data and explores how to use all that data to reduce risk and increase the speed and quality of the internal decisions securing the return on the gather we have already gathered.

Steen Has Been Bombing around the world: